The Full Suite

Girl on White Board Cartoon

Professional and Mobile Friendly Website

Your website is a platform where you can host and deploy other tech tools that help run your business. 

We'll provide you with a modern mobile-friendly website that showcases your brand.

Make yourself findable.

Guy reading book cartoon

Your Personal AI Agent

An AI-Powered Chat Agent that is trained specifically to your business data, capable of answering all inquiries.

You save time by not dealing with window shoppers.

Your AI Assistant has a personality that will reflect your brand and will keep a perfect record of all customer conversations.

Cartoon on computer saying awesome

A Personal Review Manager

A reputation management system for collecting and publishing reviews to 9 platforms, including Google.

Every 5-star review will significantly aid your SEO (attract) and subsequently add to your reputation (convert).

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Online Calendar System

An Online Calendar System, synced with Google/Outlook and integrated with other business applications.

Save time & money getting customers to manage bookings directly, for times that suit you.

Reduce the hassle of dealing with customers and playing phone tag.

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A Professional Email

An email with your professional name (not etc) conveys a level of professionalism and stability and increases trustworthiness 

Synced to your domain and easily compatible with outlook or gmail.